If you want to find out where it all started with my journey into the world of servers and computers, head over to the About page to learn more about me and how it all began in 2011. Or you could head over to the About page on my adrianmcmastergaming.com website and find out how it all started with computers. If you are into photography, you might want to head to my mcmasterphotography.co.uk website to find out how I started with photography in 1991 on the About page. If you are interested in learning about photography, you might want to head over to the tutorials and read on the What is Photography to find out what photography is and then move on to the other tutorial pages like Aperture and Shutter Speed to learn more about that. There is even a little bit of history about the area where I grew up and lived Parksite and Silverdale. Parksite is not all that well known by a lot of people and it is hard to find anything about it but you can learn more by heading over to the Parksite page.